What is an organisation in Vesalius.ai?
An organisation refers to the name you entered when creating your account. It is displayed below your name in the bottom left corner of the platform. It can represent anything from a single practice location to an entire hospital. Users can belong to multiple organisations.
Who can add a colleague?
Only users with the role of Organisation Admin can add colleagues.
How do I add a colleague to my organisation?
1. Go to Settings: Click on the gear icon in the left-hand sidebar to access the settings menu.
2. Navigate to Access Management: In the settings menu, select Access Management > Users. You’ll see a list of everyone who is part of your organisation.
3. Click on the ‘Add User’ button: In the top-right corner of the screen, click the Add User button.
4. Enter the user’s email address:
- Existing user: If the person already has a Vesalius account, simply use their registered email address. They will gain access to your organisation via their existing account and can switch between organisations using the menu in the bottom-left corner.
- New user: If the person doesn’t have an account, enter their email address and click OK. You will then need to complete their profile with details such as:
- Salutations (None, Dr. , Mrs. or Mr.)
- First name
- Last name
- Description (visible in the overview)
- Username (This will be generated by the system and is used to login)
5. Assign roles: Roles determine what level of access and permissions the user will have. Examples of roles:
- Billing Admin: Manages the wallet.
- Organisation Admin: Manages everything in settings, except the wallet.
- Organisation Manager: Has access to settings, except for Access Management and Billing.
- Edit Schedule: Manages the appointment schedule.
- View Schedule: Can view the appointment schedule (automatically assigned with other roles).
6. Set the user’s function: The Function determines the user’s role within the organisation. If the function is set to healthcare provider, the user will be visible as a healthcare provider in the platform.
- Secretariat
- Healthcare provider/doctor (The user will be identified as a healthcare provider/doctor, within the platform.)
- Nurse
- Unspecified
7. Save the user: Click Save to finalise the process. The new user will now appear in the Access Management > Users section. They will receive an email with their login credentials and a link to set up their password.
8. User login: The user can log in to the platform at https://platform.vesalius.ai/login using their username and the password they created.